
How to Play Five Card Lineup

The Deck

Understanding the deck is the key to understanding how to play Five Card Lineup.

Unlike a regular poker deck, which has four suits (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades) you can think of our deck as having five suits.

The five suits are five fantasy football player positions: QB, RB1, TE or RB2, WR1, and WR2. Each position will always appear in the same spot on the table every time.

For each position there are 15 players.

And for each player, we have 12 scores. These scores are the players' real fantasy scores from real games, but they have been adjusted to fit our scoring system.

The players are ranked based on their average fantasy score for that season. So the player with the best set of scores at his position in our deck is ranked first and the player with 12th best scores at that position is ranked 12th.

The rank is important, because when you are dealt your cards you can tell who you might want to hold and who you might want to throw back based on their rank.

Five Card Lineup is a combination of Fantasy Sports and Poker-style scoring. So you can win by getting a high fantasy score, by getting certain poker hands, or both. After the Deal, you will have a chance to select the cards you want to hold. You can hold onto higher ranked players, which give you a better chance of getting a higher score. But you can also hold pairs, 3-of-a-kind, or straights.


Once your hand is set (you've gone through the Deal and the Draw) you hit the Score button.

As we talked about above, each player has 12 fantasy scores. For each of the five players in your hand, you'll get one of the 12 scores, picked randomly. We'll show the score and the week of the season that they got that score.

Again, we adjust the scores to fit our game, so if you go out and find the player's fantasy scores from a particular week of a particular season, it may not match what we've got. But all the players' scores are adjusted in the same way, so no player will get an advantage or disadvantage from our adjustments.

We add up the scores and check for any pairs, 3-of-a-kind or other matches in your hand. If you have certain poker hands and/or a high enough score you win! Depending how high a score you get, you can earn a higher payback. (See the Pay Table for what poker hands and what scores pay.)

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Double Bonus

The Double Bonus allows you to double your payout when you get winning poker hands.

After the Draw, you will see your hand. If you have certain poker hands (2 pair, 3-of-a-kind, Full House, etc.) you will have a win. You can try to double your winnings by betting that you will get over 100 points on the Scoring round. If you score 100 points or more double the payout you would have gotten. But if you get 99 or fewer points you lose and do not get the chips you would have one for the poker hand.

Or you can skip the Double Bonus and get paid for your winning poker hand, no matter how much your fantasy hand scores.


The Keeper game allows you to hold players over from one hand to the next.

Once a hand is over Touch Play Again.

A message at the bottom of the screen reads: "Touch a card to keep it for the next hand."

Touch any card you want to hold over for the next hand. A Keeper token, with a "K" on it, will cover the top portion of the card you chose to keep.

If you change your mind, touch the card again and the Keeper token will go away.

Near the top right of the screen is your Keepers inventory. It tells you how many Keepers you have.

You can always get more Keepers by touching the Get More button.

Once you are ready, touch Begin to start a new hand.

The hand plays just like a regular Five Card Lineup hand. You will be dealt cards to fill in any positions where you didn't Keep a player.

You can hold any cards you want of the newly dealt cards, but you can't undo the Keepers.

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Stars represent each player's best score among the 12 scores in his set. And if you get a Star or multiple Stars in your hand, we check that against the Pay Table too. Multiple Stars can earn big payouts.

Note: For game purposes a player can only have one best score. So if a player has two or more best scores that match, we take the first one of the season.

Besides earning you chips, Stars also can earn you new play levels. Every time you get a Star in your hand it goes up to your total number of Stars. The more Stars you have, the higher your level.

Sample Payout Table

You can win by scoring points and/or by getting poker-style matches in your hand. The better your hand, the bigger your payout!

Combine a great poker hand with a great Fantasy Score and win even more. Or get multiple Stars in your hand a win a huge Jackpot!

If you have any questions contact us at

Thanks for playing!

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